A global partner
All our distributors are certified and approved by Atling Steady Rest AB.
You can, of course, always contact us directly to purchase your Atling Steady Rest, but if you’d like to buy your Atling Steady Rest from someone closer to where you are located, you can contact one of our local distributors.
No matter if you buy it directly from us, or from one of our distributors, we guarantee that you get the same high-quality product and service.

Basile Spanntechnik
Antonio Basile GmbH
Lerchen Str. 2
D-74226 Nordheim
Germany - +49 (0) 71 33 / 901 827 - 0
- info@basilegmbh.de
- www.basilegmbh.com
Brown & Holmes (Tamworth) Ltd
Unit F, Apollo Park Lichfield Road Industrial Estate
Tamworth Staffs B79 7TA
England - +44 (0) 1827 63591
- JBarton@brownandholmes.co.uk
- www.brownandholmes.co.uk
Captain Industries Inc.
Captain Industries Inc.
4-8-8 Funabori, Edogawa-ku
Tokyo 134-0091
Japan - info@capind.co.jp
- www.capind.co.jp
Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
Chuckteknik Norden AB
Chuckteknik Norden AB
Finjaryd 2519
SE- 282 91 Tyringe
Sweden - +46 (0) 70 565 07 26
- order@chuckteknik.com
- www.chuckteknik.com
Güney Makina
Güney Makina
Yedpa Tic. Merkezi
F 309 AS Ataşehir Istanbul
Turkey - +90 (0) 216 471 72 18
- kemal@guney-muhendislik.com
- www.guney-muhendislik.com
Prevotex Hungary Kft.
H-1117 Budapest
Vegyész utca 19-25.
Hungary - +36 30 411 6939
- sales@prevotex.hu
- www.prevotex.hu
SAV Polska Sp. z o.o.
SAV Polska Sp. z o.o. ul.
Fordońska 27A
85-719 Bydgoszcz
Poland - +48 (0) 523 219 140
- pawel.roguszczak@sav-polska.pl
- www.podtrzymki.pl
Serkide Polígono Industrial de Itziar
Parcela M-4 · 3 Apdo. 10
20820 Deba – Itziar (Gipuzkoa)
Spain - +34 (0) 943 199 262
- info@serkide.com
- www.serkide.com
The Netherlands
Spantech Opspansystemen
Spantech Opspansystemen BV
Habraken 2321P
5507TK Veldhoven
The Netherlands - +31 (0) 40 230 0222
- info@spantech.nl
- www.spantech.nl
Spintech Tools
Spintech Tools
99 Ghormley Road Washington Court House
Ohio 43160
USA - +1 (0) 740 335 8888
- jim@spintechtools.com
- www.spintechtools.com
South Korea
WooSung Tech
#804, HyundaiTeraTower
8 Ori-ro 651beon-gil
Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 14303, Korea - +82 10 6379 9505
- kijnim3308@naver.com
Contact us
Contact us to discuss how we can help you to optimise your turning machines.
We look forward to hearing from you!